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Quote and summary of 50+ latest trending living room and kitchen partition models

Partition between living room and kitchen is a perfect alternative to boring walls. They not only have the effect of separating living spaces but also minimize the area and bring uniqueness to the house. Join Kosmos to learn about 50+ models of living room and kitchen partitions, the latest trends and detailed price lists.

Partitions help divide the space between the living room and kitchen
Partitions help divide the space between the living room and kitchen (Source:

Why is it necessary to make a partition between the living room and the kitchen?

Making a partition between the living room and kitchen is an important design decision when building or renovating a house. So why is it necessary to make a partition between the living room and kitchen? Let's explore with Kosmos the main reasons why this partition has become important for every family.

Partitions bring many benefits to homeowners
Partitions bring many benefits to homeowners (Source:

Create independence between rooms

The living room and kitchen are two areas with separate uses, and merging them in the same space can create unnecessary complications. For example, food smells from the kitchen can affect the living room if there is a lack of separation. Therefore, using partitions is a smart solution to create the necessary separation between the living room and kitchen.

Partitions are a smart solution to create separation between the living room and kitchen
Partitions are a smart solution to create separation between the living room and kitchen (Source:

Create an open space

Typically, today's partitions are designed with empty cells or small motifs with the purpose of both creating an open space and bringing uniqueness to the house. They are the perfect replacement for large, cramped walls.

Partitions help the house feel more spacious and airy
Partitions help the house feel more spacious and airy (Source:

Optimize area

For apartments or houses with limited space, usage partition between living room and kitchen can help homeowners optimize living area because they have moderate thickness, unlike rigid brick walls.

Partitions are the ideal choice for tight spaces
Partitions are the ideal choice for tight spaces (Source:

High aesthetics

With a variety of designs and patterns, wooden, plastic, plaster partitions, etc. will bring better aesthetics to the living space. They help the house become lively, classy and create a unique style for the homeowner.

Use partitions to create a unique style for the homeowner
Use partitions to create a unique style for the homeowner (Source:

Save construction and installation time

Unlike traditional walls, wooden, plastic or plaster partitions only take a few hours to construct and install. Besides, this partition can also be easily removed or replaced when needed. This helps homeowners quickly change the design when needed.

Partitions are products that are easy to construct and install
Partitions are products that are easy to construct and install (Source:

4 things to note when designing living room and kitchen partitions

When deciding to use a partition between the living room and kitchen, there are some important notes that homeowners need to consider to design this material to achieve the highest functionality and aesthetics. Let's immediately explore the following 4 notes.

Size: The partition should be designed with a height from floor to ceiling to create a spacious and harmonious feeling.

The partition is designed to reach the ceiling, extremely aesthetically pleasing
The partition is designed to touch the ceiling extremely aesthetically (Source:

Material: Depending on the preferences and conditions of each family, choose the appropriate partition material. In general, you should choose materials with good soundproofing and heat resistance to have the most comfortable living space.

Partitions can be made from many different materials
Partitions can be made from many different materials (Source:

Color: You should choose colors and patterns that match the general interior to create an aesthetic space.

The uniformity between the partition and the interior makes the house more classy
The uniformity between the partition and the interior makes the house more classy (Source:

Purchase address: Look for stores that specialize in providing materials and products for partitions, such as furniture factories or specialized business stores, to ensure the best quality and cost of the product.

Classify materials commonly used as partitions between the living room and kitchen

Below are 7 types of materials commonly used as partitions between the living room and kitchen that homeowners should know to choose the most suitable product for their family.

Wooden imitation plastic slat partitions

The installation process of Wooden imitation plastic slats serve as partitions for the living room and kitchen becoming more popular. The bar is light in weight, termite resistant and waterproof. This product is not only convenient but also safe during use.

Wooden imitation plastic bars are a traditional material with high artistry and sophistication
Wooden imitation plastic bars are a traditional material with high artistry and sophistication (Source: Internet)
LAM100X50 is a wood-imitation plastic slat most commonly used to create a partition between the living room and kitchen.
LAM100X50 is a wood-imitation plastic slat most commonly used to create a partition between the living room and kitchen.

Plastic partitions with imitation stone or imitation wood

Nowadays, people are very fond of using living room and kitchen partitions made of imitation stone or wood grain plastic. Because they are diverse in design and color, in addition to being light in weight, construction, installation and transportation are also very easy.

The ability to customize the color and pattern of plastic partitions is extremely flexible
The ability to customize the color and pattern of plastic partitions is extremely flexible (Source:
PVC3007 color brings luxury to your home
PVC3007 color brings luxury to your home
The space will become warm with faux wood plastic panels
The space will become warm with faux wood plastic panels (Source: Internet)
Flute panel is often used to make partitions
Flute panel is often used to make partitions

To meet user requirements, there are currently many models of imitation stone and imitation wood plastic partitions with extremely realistic designs, creating a luxurious feeling while optimizing costs. Therefore, this material is very popular in Vietnam.

Glass partition

Partition between living room and kitchen Glass is a popular choice for small spaces. Most of this type of partition is made from tempered glass so it has very good bearing capacity. Besides, with high transparency, homeowners can take advantage of natural light circulating between rooms, creating a more spacious and airy feeling.

Glass makes a space larger and allows natural light to spread
Glass makes the space larger and allows natural light to spread (Source:

Partitions are made from natural wood

This partition model is usually made mainly from natural wood such as peach trees, oak trees, khau trees, etc. One of the biggest strengths of this partition model is its elegance and beauty.

Natural wood partitions create a cozy space for the living room and kitchen
Natural wooden partitions create a cozy space for the living room and kitchen (Source:

Natural wood often has a unique brown tone, making the living space more luxurious and warmer. In addition, natural wood living room and kitchen partitions also bring a strong, solid feeling to your home.

Partitions are made from industrial wood

With the same beauty as natural wood but at a much cheaper price, partition between living room and kitchen Industrial wood is the choice of many families. Types of industrial wood that you can refer to when choosing to make partitions include:

Laminate wood partitions are often easy to maintain and clean
Industrial wood partitions are often easy to maintain and clean (Source:

Partitions from CNC panels

Normally, CNC partitions are made from many different types of material panels such as aluminum, stainless steel or carbon steel, MDF, mica, iron, glass, etc. They are manufactured with high precision, durability and resistance. Good strength, as well as outstanding surface smoothness and gloss, increase the luxurious and modern beauty of the living space.

CNC panels can be designed with complex patterns and motifs
CNC panels can be designed with complex patterns and motifs (Source:

Partition made of plaster

In addition to being used for ceilings and walls, plaster is also commonly used in making partitions. With effective fire resistance and sound insulation, partition between living room and kitchen Plaster can be considered a smart and versatile choice for every home.

Construction cost of partition between living room and kitchen

Depending on the type of material, partitions will have different prices. Below is the latest updated price list of living room and kitchen partitions that you can refer to.

Type of partition


Price (VND)

Faux wood slatted partition walls



Plastic partitions imitating stone and wood

square meters


Glass partition

square meters


Partition made of natural wood

square meters


Industrial wood partitions

square meters


Partitions from CNC panels

square meters


Partition made of plaster

square meters


50+ latest trend partition models used for living rooms and kitchens

Let's explore 50+ latest trend partition models used for living rooms and kitchens according to different types of houses below.

Model of living room and kitchen partition for level 4 house

This partition is mobile and flexible, depending on usage needs
This partition is mobile and flexible, depending on usage needs (Source:
Glass is the right choice for those who love modern design and open space in a 4-level house
Glass is the right choice for those who love modern design and open space in a 4-level house (Source:
Glass is easy to clean and maintain, suitable for kitchen spaces
Glass is easy to clean and preserve, suitable for kitchen spaces (Source:
Glass is the right choice for those who love modern design and open space in the house
Glass is the right choice for those who love modern design and open space in the house (Source:
Compact and cost-effective partitions are suitable for level 4 houses with limited space
Compact and cost-effective partitions are suitable for level 4 houses with limited space (Source: Internet)

Model of living room and kitchen partitions for tube houses

Partitions in tube houses create highlights in limited spaces
Partitions in tube houses create highlights in limited spaces (Source: Internet)
Partitions enhance the aesthetics and sophistication of the home's interior design
Partitions enhance the aesthetics and sophistication of the home's interior design (Source: Internet)
Plastic is a popular material for making partitions for tube houses
Plastic is a popular material to make partitions for tube houses (Source: Internet)
Using decorations on partitions helps create artistic highlights in the space
Using decorations on partitions helps create artistic highlights in the space (Source: Internet)

Model of living room and kitchen partitions for apartments

Using partitions creates ventilation and an open feeling in the space
Using partitions creates ventilation and an open feeling in the space (Source:
The combination of wood and concrete creates a warm and luxurious space for the apartment
The combination of wood and concrete creates a warm and luxurious space for the apartment (Source:
The partition model is simple but creates a unique living room and kitchen space
Simple partition model but creates unique living room and kitchen space (Source:
Using wooden partitions can create private space in the apartment
Using wooden partitions can create private space in apartments (Source: Internet)

>>> See more 99+ beautiful modern living room partition models

Kosmos is the number 1 reputable distribution warehouse for imitation wood plastic slats to make living room and kitchen partitions in Vietnam

Kosmos is the leading and most prestigious distributor of wood-imitation plastic slats for living room and kitchen partitions in Vietnam. With many years of experience in the field of providing decorative materials, Kosmos always brings quality products, diverse designs and sizes for users to choose from.

You can completely rest assured using Kosmos wood-imitation plastic bars because the product has high aesthetics and many outstanding features such as: water resistance, termite resistance at an affordable price. Outside the bar is made of imitation wood made of plastic partition between living room and kitchen, Kosmos Vietnam also distributes many other materials such as:

Quality and reputation are always the top criteria that Kosmos Vietnam warehouse aims for. If you are looking for a reputable supplier of decorative materials, don't miss Kosmos.

Kosmos General Warehouse - No. 1 reputable decorative materials distributor in Vietnam
Kosmos General Warehouse - No. 1 reputable decorative materials distributor in Vietnam

So Kosmos has also sent readers 50+ latest trend partition models used for living rooms and kitchens and detailed price lists of all types. Hopefully the above information will help you choose the right type of partition for your family.


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