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99+ beautiful kitchen designs & notes when designing the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the family gathers around the tray of rice, warming up and cultivating affection. The beautiful kitchen model and notes when kitchen design The following will be the essential guide when building, decorating and buying kitchen appliances.

Beautiful kitchen model
Beautiful kitchen model

How to design a beautiful kitchen?

To Nice kitchen design requires us to follow a lot of principles and depends on 3 main factors: area, kitchen furniture and light.

Standard kitchen area

The kitchen area will be balanced according to the overall area of ​​the house or the number of family members.

Popular kitchen areas
CaseSuitable area
Minimum area for kitchen12m2
Kitchen for 2 people~ 15 m2
Kitchen for 3 people~ 20 m2
Kitchen for 4 people~22 – 25m2

Note: Kitchen area can be changed according to needs and preferences. There is still a small kitchen of 6-8m2 or combined with the dining room, connecting the living room to save space.

Simple beautiful small kitchen model
Simple beautiful small kitchen model

The most reasonable size for the furniture in the kitchen

Kitchen cabinet size
  • Kitchen cabinet height below 81 - 86 cm and depth range 60cm.
  • Kitchen cabinet height below 80 cm and depth range 35 - 45cm.
  • Distance between upper and lower kitchen cabinets 60 - 80cm.
  • The height of the wall-mounted kitchen shelf from the floor is about 1m7 - 1m9.
Beautiful kitchen cabinet model for the kitchen
Beautiful kitchen cabinet model for the kitchen

Dimensions of the mini bar in the kitchen
  • The height of the bar range 70 - 80 cm.
  • The height of the bar attached to the kitchen table or island is about 1m – 1m2.
  • The usable depth of the bar is from 40 - 60 cm.

Beautiful bar counter model for modern kitchen
Beautiful bar counter model for modern kitchen
Beautiful kitchen wine cabinet model
Beautiful kitchen wine cabinet model

Kitchen island size

Kitchen island, island table are the names of the kitchen table (or kitchen cabinet) located in the middle of the kitchen.

The size of the kitchen island depends on the size of the kitchen. The height of the island is the same as the height of the stovetop for balance.

Beautiful island model for a rural kitchen with a large area
Beautiful island model for a rural kitchen with a large area

The best way to arrange kitchen furniture

Kitchen furniture usually includes: cabinets, shelves, kitchen island, dining table, electric/gas stove, refrigerator, sink, garbage disposal and deodorizer (if any).

Furniture in the kitchen is arranged most reasonably when we adhere to the principle of "kitchen triangle".

Kitchen triangle (the kitchen work triangle) also known as "working triangle" was invented in 1940. This is an invention that helps people optimize space in the kitchen, based on the 3 most common items: stove, sink and refrigerator.

Beautiful kitchen design according to the kitchen triangle model
Beautiful kitchen design according to the kitchen triangle model
Some common kitchen triangle principles
1Triangle edge:

  • Distance between stove and sink.
  • Distance between sink and refrigerator.
  • Distance between refrigerator and stove.
Sizes from 1.2 m to > 2.7 m

The sum of the lengths of all three sides of the triangle.

Size from 4 - 8 m
3Between any two points of the triangle:

  • Between the stove and the sink.
  • Between the sink and the refrigerator.
  • Between the refrigerator and the stove.

Must be very clear, no obstacles


Food preparation area next to the sink.

> 91cm

Distance between the two sides of the fire.

1 side 40 cm

1 side 30 cm

The kitchen is a place where there is a risk of grease and moisture splashes, so the wall/flooring material for this area must be water-resistant and easy to clean. See more suitable kitchen wall cladding materials here.

Guide to the most suitable kitchen lighting layout

The light intensity for the kitchen (also known as illuminance) according to TCVN 7114:2008 standard must be greater than or equal to 500 lux. This is the right light for homeowners to operate in the kitchen, does not cause glare and is considered the most comfortable.

3 light sources in the kitchen
  • Natural light from doors and skylights.
  • Light shines throughout the kitchen.
  • The light from the task light (Task Lighting) illuminates a specific area.

Task lights are often placed in cooking positions such as the stovetop, the place to prepare ingredients. And lamps that are only used for decoration are often concentrated in the dining area or used to create accents for decorative items such as wall paintings, island tables or vases.

Kitchen model with beautiful lighting layout
Kitchen model with beautiful lighting layout

Notes in kitchen feng shui

The kitchen is an important area. Building / designing a kitchen that is not in accordance with feng shui can affect the health and fortune of the owner.

Put the stove in a bad position but facing the good side

Kitchen direction is the direction that the stove / fire handle is facing out, we often stand with our back to this direction to cook. According to the principle "sitting in the direction of the sand”, the stove is placed in a bad position to burn off all bad omens in the house and turn the stove to the good side to attract good things.

The direction of the kitchen is the direction of the fire handle
The direction of the kitchen is the direction of the fire handle

According to feng shui, the kitchen belongs to the Fire and Water elements. Meanwhile, the East and Southeast directions belong to the Wood element, standing between Water and Fire. This is why the kitchen direction is usually East and Southeast, bringing balance to the kitchen. You can refer to how to set the kitchen direction in the direction of the house as follows:

How to set the kitchen direction in the direction of the house
The direction of the houseKitchen direction
East facing house
  • bronze
  • South East
  • Male
  • North
Southeast facing house
  • Preferably the West direction
  • The worst is the northwest direction
North East facing house
  • Preferably Southeast
  • bronze
  • Male
  • North
West facing house

The direction of the house in the West is very good, so we can arbitrarily place the direction of the kitchen. However, the best directions that you should consider are:

  • Tay Bac
  • Southwest
  • northeast
Northwest facing house
  • West
  • Male
Southwest facing house

The direction of the house in the southwest is very bad, so we need to arrange the kitchen to face the best direction - Southeast.

South facing houseGood kitchen direction:

  • West
  • northeast

Bad kitchen direction:

  • Tay Bac
North facing house
  • West
  • Southwest
  • Tay Bac
  • northeast

In addition, the direction of the kitchen is determined based on age of landlord and follow Bat Trach direction.

Bat Trach is an ancient science of feng shui, specializing in the study of the relationship between human qi (energy) and house space.

How to set the direction of the kitchen according to the bowl

Good kitchen direction
  • Vitality
  • Thien Y
  • Year of the Year
  • Restoration
Bad kitchen direction
  • Fate
  • Five Demons
  • Six murders
  • Harm
Design the kitchen according to feng shui to ensure the best for the family
Design the kitchen according to feng shui to ensure the best for the family

Locations where the kitchen should not be placed


Because of the metal element, the West direction is not suitable for the kitchen.

Between 300 and 330 degrees NW

According to feng shui, placing the kitchen in this position will cause the male owner to have head problems and the female owner to have trouble in social relationships.

165 degrees South and 195 degrees South

The kitchen at this coordinate makes the members of the house easily angry.

Between 345 and 15 degrees North

Family members are easy to quarrel and discord if the kitchen is placed in this position.

Leave space behind the gas/fire stove

The stove placed close to the wall is like a house with a fulcrum. We should limit the kitchen playing empty in the middle.

The stove should be placed close to the wall
The stove should be placed close to the wall

Near the shrine room

The kitchen is a place where the smell of smoke and fire is stale, avoid placing it near sacred places of worship.

Opposite and below the bedroom

It would not be pleasant to let the smell of kitchen smoke haunt our resting area. The fire from the kitchen to the bedroom will make the homeowner feel suffocated and stuffy. If you put it close to the fire at the head of the bed, it also makes the sleeping person suffer from headaches, psychological instability.

Opposite and below the toilet

The toilet is a place that is not very clean, so avoid placing it near cooking and eating places like the kitchen.

Put the stove under the crossbar

The crossbar is something that contains a lot of killing intent, so we must place the kitchen away from it, not in direct contact or use a panel to cover the bar. If doing wrong, the health and spirit of the female owner is at risk of being harmed and the members are susceptible to illness and illness.

The beam above the kitchen is covered with a plastic ceiling panel
The beam above the kitchen is covered with a plastic ceiling panel

The center of the house

This is the place where the prosperity of a house converges, so it needs peace, not a kitchen. It is best to place the living room in a central location.

See more: Beautiful living room samples and notes when designing a living room.

Opposite of main

Our grandparents long ago told us that the kitchen is a place where outsiders cannot see directly. Setting the kitchen direction to coincide with the house direction also limits the career path, property loss.

For small houses, difficult to hide the kitchen, we should use partitions. Partitions for living room and kitchen are usually made of wood, plastic or plastic wood.

Model of beautiful living room and kitchen partition

In open space, we often Divide the living room and kitchen space with a partition.

We also use partitions to obscure the view of outsiders into the kitchen area.

For a small space, building walls will create a feeling of suffocation and difficulty breathing. The use of partitions, space division is gradually becoming popular in recent times.

Model of beautiful plastic living room and kitchen partitions.
Model of beautiful plastic living room and kitchen partitions.
Model of the living room and kitchen partitions made of beautiful plastic wood.
Model of the living room and kitchen partitions made of beautiful plastic wood.

Simple beautiful small kitchen model

Simple beautiful small kitchen model does not carry many sophisticated design details. They often possess multi-functional, compact, space-saving appliances as possible.

Beautiful modern kitchen model

Modern kitchen models often integrate a bar and beautiful lighting design, increasing the user experience. Modern-style kitchen cabinets often have basic colors such as white, black or neutral colors such as beige, cream, light yellow, gray, fawn, etc.

Beautiful kitchen model in the countryside

Model kitchen in the countryside and urban kitchens are not much different. In Vietnam, rural areas usually have a larger area of ​​land. I can use island table to increase flexibility in the kitchen space.

Does your kitchen meet the above guidelines and notes? The beautiful kitchen model did we satisfy you? If you want to find the materials for wall/ceiling/flooring With quality kitchen decoration, Kosmos warehouse will be the ideal destination for you. In addition, the above samples are not all, see hundreds of beautiful simple kitchen designs at the link below.

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